
The Interface is naturally based on three abstract types which have to be extended:

abstract type Category end
abstract type Object end
abstract type Morphism end


Categories without any additional structure do not need any fields or methods. We follow the example of the category of finite sets.

struct FinSets <: Category end


Objects need at least one field parent for the parent category or a method parentreturning the respective category. Any other information needed to work with the objects is arbitrary.

struct FinSetObject <: Object

Here we wrap a set to an object.


Morphisms need to provide fields

  • domain
  • codomain

or methods

  • domain
  • codomain

For the category of sets we get

struct FinSetMorphism <: Morphism

Where one now can design any coding for a morphism of sets that fit the desired purpose.

Required Methods

Necessary methods to implemented for morphisms, objects and categories are

  • compose(f::YourMorphism, g::YourMorphism)::YourMorphism returning the composition $g \circ f$.
  • id(X::YourObject)::YourMorphism returning the identity morphism on $X$.
  • Hom(X::YourObject, Y::YourObject)::AbstractHomSet constructing an object <:AbstractHomSet.

Here anything extending AbstractHomspace needs to provide the fields

  • domain
  • codomain

or methods

  • domain
  • codomain.

Additional methods

Your category might have more structure. For categories which are

visit the corresponding chapter. The interface supports additionally the following constructions and operations.


For a list of objects $X_1,...,X_n$ methods for the product shall return an object representing the categorical product $\prod X_i$ together with the projection maps $p_i \colon \prod X_i \to X_i$.

product(X::YourObject...)::Tuple{YourObject, Vector{YourMorphism}}

You may only implement a binary version product(X,Y) in which case TensorCategories extends it automatically to a list-version. Keep in mind that this might be devastating to the runtime, since iteratively applying a binary product involves composing morphisms which most likely is expensive.

TensorCategories will also generate an infix operator

×(X::YourObject, Y::YourObject)::YourObject

that only returns the object in question.

Dually the same applies for a coproduct $∐ Xᵢ$.

coproduct(X::YourObject...)::Tuple{YourObject, Vector{YourMorphism}}

Initial and Terminal Objects

If a category has an initial and/or terminal object one can provide those.
